{6} …
The thing with dailies is that sometimes you just have nothing to write about, which then leads to the fear that you actually…don’t have anything to say , which causes a lovely paralysis that trickles into the next day, and the next, and the next….
I am in awe of those folks on here who are a constant stream of beautiful writing (Tre comes to mind, someone whose words hurt my heart too much so I don’t read them as often as I probably should, but just knowing they’re out there makes me remember that beauty and pain walk hand in hand.) Or those who can create commentary on life that always provokes insight or an unexpected giggle (Quasimodo and Jim, I’m looking at you).
My attempts (and reattempts…and reattempts) to re-enter Mediumland are fueled by the likes of you, and many others, and in these moments where I’m exhausted and all the words are swirly and I can’t even begin to pin them down even for a shitpost like this, I just need to say that I appreciate you. I really do.
Hopefully I’ll be able to write something more substantial soon.
Here’s really, really hoping…