{76} “Don’t bother wrestling with a pig.”

You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

Zelda Pinwheel
3 min readJun 4, 2017

The concept of “fake news” and “alternative facts” isn’t new, really — there’s always been misdirection and dishonesty in politics. It does feel, however, that we have reached a point where truth is not only subjective, but something that cannot be truly known because, perhaps, it just doesn’t exist. At least, not in any way that matters.

I feel like (and of course there’s no real way to prove this) there at least used to be a platform of truth from which we spun our stories. Some agreed upon fundamentals. The earth is round, gravity is a thing. That sort of stuff. Now, it seems as though everything is up for debate. We are arguing things that we were supposed to have hammered out decades ago. Centuries ago. The very nature of science and fact are being ignored, even demonized.

I want so badly to trust the think pieces that say there is hope. That the way things are cannot stand, that they are inherently unsustainable and will, inevitably, implode. Sooner rather than later.

But I see, in equal numbers, the think pieces that tell me that everything we’re doing is wrong, that we are fighting the wrong way, doing the wrong things, and that nothing we do can stop the tide of destruction that has been unleashed.

And of course, there are think pieces from the other side that I don’t read out of a desire to maintain my sanity. (I have, before. I just can’t do it right now.)

Each group draws from different fundamental beliefs. What to believe? What is true? What is the foundation that I build from?

The only solution I can see is to move from my own platform, my own fundamental beliefs that I have developed over time, rejecting and expanding pieces as observation and experience dictate. It’s getting exhausting, though. I find myself craving the certainty of belief that so many seem to enjoy. There is so much less work involved in maintaining a belief system that is popular — there is a whole foundation to start from.

This seems so egotistical set out in black and white. Oh, you all have it so easy, but I had to actually work for my belief system, which is obviously so much better than yours! In truth, I know that many people have gone through this same process and come to different conclusions than I have. I find that working to find your foundation usually means you are more accepting that others have come to a different endpoint, because you explored at least some of them yourself.

The problem I have is when people accept a foundation unquestioningly and then use that belief to limit others. The ubiquity of this is what is at the root of the rejection of fact — those engaged in this kind of behavior are rejecting any fact that conflicts with their belief system, and it is impossible to fight.

As the saying goes, you both get dirty, and only one of you enjoys it.

